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It’s no secret that exercising in nature often feels more revitalizing and rewarding than working out indoors. But why is that the case? Recent research published by Araújo and colleagues delves into this phenomenon, exploring how natural environments interact with the human mind and body to enhance well-being through physical activity.


Key Findings: Nature Boosts Well-Being

  1. Nature Provides Unique Affordances: Nature’s diverse and variable features offer more opportunities for spontaneous, engaging movement than the more static, controlled indoor environments. These features, termed “affordances” by researchers, create interactions between individuals and the environment that foster physical and psychological engagement.
  2. More Freedom, More Benefits: The variability in natural settings—navigating uneven terrain or adjusting to changing weather—stimulates the body and mind in impossible ways in a gym. This interaction between the person and the environment increases feelings of revitalization, engagement, and satisfaction after exercise in nature.
  3. Psychological and Emotional Gains: Several studies, including a systematic review by Coon et al. (2011), found that exercise performed in natural environments reduces tension, depression, and anger while boosting feelings of energy and positivity. These emotional benefits are often not observed following similar workouts done indoors.


Why Does Nature Matter So Much?

The research introduces the concept of an ecological dynamics framework, which explains that the interaction between people and their environment is transactional—each affects the other. This idea moves beyond seeing physical activity as just an internal or personal experience and recognizes how the characteristics of the environment play a vital role in shaping outcomes. Nature-based physical activity offers “affordances” that manufactured or urban environments cannot provide. These affordances encourage people to move in more natural, enjoyable, and fulfilling ways, leading to better mental and emotional outcomes.


Practical Takeaways: How to Maximize the Benefits of Green Exercise

  • Embrace Outdoor Workouts: Incorporate more outdoor activities like walking, cycling, or hiking in natural settings. Even a 5-minute walk in a park can improve mood significantly.
  • Change It Up: Nature’s unpredictable environment provides a wide variety of stimuli for your mind and body, so switch up your outdoor workout locations. Visit your neighborhood’s beaches, forests, or even just green spaces to reap the mental benefits.
  • Mind-Body Connection: Pay attention to how your body interacts with the environment—feel the ground under your feet, the breeze on your face, and the sun overhead. This mindful awareness can enhance the emotional benefits of your outdoor exercise.


Research shows that the natural environment plays an essential role in enhancing the positive effects of exercise. Whether it’s the misfit ordinances provided by natural settings or the increased sense of freedom and variability, nature boosts the physical and psychological rewards of physical activity. For those seeking a deeper connection to their workouts and greater emotional and mental health benefits, stepping outside may be the key.

To learn more about enhancing your fitness and well-being through outdoor activity, book a free discovery call for personalized tips and programs.